on cactus
Science Concepts
- dew trap (condensation)
- dates as a rich source of sugar (energy)
- friction (using flint) to make fire
- bad insulator (sand floor)
- charcoal (black absorb light) reduce glare
Science Concepts
- adaptation of desert plants with roots growing up to 50 feet (1500m) in length!;
- how to stay cool (topmost soil traps the most heat)
- spreading yourself (bigger area and less pressure) to reduce effect of sinking and to get out of quicksand
Mr Danny's Note:
Notice Bear keeps his composure and stays cool throughout because panicking and talking loudly (with a volume above 75dB) only waste more energy in the unforgiving desert environment
Now don't you think Science is COOL? You'll never know when learning Science can help you when you are up against the WILD.