Saturday, November 28, 2015

ICT Tools

crocodoc marqueed linoit trail shuttle popplet phet simulations

The Message

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

5 Care Prize Giving 2015

1st - Avengers Award

"Doesn't matter what you did or who you were. But if you go out there, you fight and you fight to win. But if you step out that door, you're an Avenger."

inspired by the superhero values of courage, perseverance, discipline, self-belief and sacrifice without which it is impossible to be the Top Winner of the Class Dojo Overall Champion.

2nd - Iron Legion Award 

Stark: "We do need back up"
Rhodes: "That's your department"
Stark: "Here's my boys"

inspired by what Mr Danny had talked about having back-up techniques in Maths. 2 or more techniques are better than 1;- if the 1st method/technique fails, you still have a back-up. Whether it be a problem in Maths or facing a challenge in Life, one must always be open minded to new solutions and adaptable in learning new things.

3rd - Legendary 7 Award
inspired by the 7 methods that can handle most, if not all 3-5m questions related to Whole Numbers, Percentage, Fraction, Decimals and Ratio. So 7 Ninjas to represent the 7 methods. No prize for guessing who the 'old wise man on the summit of hill' really is :)

4th - Iron Man Award
a reminder that you do not need to have super powers to be a superhero just like Tony Stark aka Iron Man. All it takes is a creative mind, perseverance and ingenuity. That is what being an Iron Man is all about.

5th - Millennium Falcon Award
inspired by the most iconic vehicle in Star Wars history which though does not look aerodynamic and graceful and was also outdated, it was still the fastest and most reliable spaceship in the entire Star Wars universe. This is to remind us that;- it's not who we are on the outside that counts but it is what's on the inside that matters.

The Takeaway
The reward system serves to remind pupils that some efforts do not have any immediate gratification and reward. But neither rewards or competition should be the reason why we  should be working hard. We work hard to improve ourselves and our only competition should be the one we face in the mirror every day;- to be better than who we were yesterday.

But always remember that in the long term, one's effort and doing his/her own best should be a reward in its own right.


The reward system in Class Dojo is a bonus and is not an obligation. But because Mr Danny likes Avengers, Star Wars and Lego AND he likes to give gifts. Each reward has a certain meaning behind them. Ultimately the rewards are for the top 5 pupils who had demonstrated steadfast behaviour in upholding good values and academic excellence.

Mr Danny would of course like to give more than 5 prizes but his budget severely restricts his ability from doing so.


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